Monday 16 May 2022

The Circle of Life of it All...

Six musicians/singers are on stage, performing. One is front and centre, and dancing, while the others accompany him behind.
Congrats Ukraine! You
threw everything at it.
As we take down the bunting and file away the score cards, all that's left to say is CONGRATULATIONS, UKRAINE. You thoroughly deserved a decent placing regardless of anything else, so I'm delighted the global stage had the chance to show solidarity and appreciation to the Kalush Orchestra

A man is singing on stage and playing the electric guitar, standing inside an illuminated cage that is shaped like a spaceship.
National treasure
status achieved.
But what about our boy, Sam? Wasn't he a stone cold legend on Saturday night?! If you're not singing 'I'm up in space, maaaaaaaan,' at the top of your lungs, several times an hour, there's something wrong with you. I'm still surfing the high of the whole shebang, but the crash is coming. It always does. Don't worry, it's a cyclical process every year. I've got this.

A beer garden in the evening. There's a long table under a canopy, with plants and fairy lights around.
The beer garden where
the writing group
magic takes place.
Writing News
Leeza Book 2 is back on track. Wahey! I did a few big writing seshes throughout the week, as well as the scary thing I hate - sharing it with my writing group. I only printed out the first couple of pages - baby steps, people - but before I read it, I heavily caveatted it with, 'This is the first draft, it's not been edited yet, it mightn't make the cut, it's probably not interesting enough to grab new readers, blah, blah blah'. Yeah, you get the gist, right? Anyway, I cracked on, regardless. And in a very lovely turn of events, it got some laughs! It also sounded better when I said it out loud rather than mentally skimming it on the screen. So, yeah, that particular bridge has been crossed, and it felt good. Another cyclical process I've come to know well.

An illustrated gif of two teenage boys, looking at each other lovingly. There is a heart drawn around their heads.
Heartstopper has my heart. End of.
FFS, isn't Eurovision enough? OK, I'll give you some more. The Staircase on Sky is the reenactment of the Netflix documentary of the same name from a few years ago, and it's as equally disturbing and gripping as that was. I'm still not over Heartstopper, even though I watched it two weeks ago. A second binge of that is in my near future. I've started reading Chris Brookmyre's, Places in the Darkness, which is reminding me of the Red Dwarf books of my teen years, (witty characters in space - no great leap) and after listening to the Comfort Blanket episode on Dawson's Creek, I'm trying to work out when I'll have time to start a rewatch of that. I LOVE a coming of age, high school, teen drama, so for now, I'm rewatching Sex Education, whilst being thrilled to bits with Ncuti Gatwa's new role. 

An array of salmon-topped blinis arranged on a wooden board. 35 in total.
Eurovision salmon!
Food and Drink
Eurovision week means picky teas. Anything that can be eaten with one hand whilst the other is scoring, tweeting, or scrolling. The two semis were more low key, but for Saturday night, chilli, ginger, and garlic encrusted salmon was flaked over some blinis and served with natural yoghurt on a sharing platter. Later, when the scoring began and blood sugars were in danger of dropping, the cheese board was brought out. I don't know much, but I know how to Eurovision feed.

Mathew Macfadyen and Colin Firth standing next to each other as characters from Operation Mincemeat, dressed in WW2 officers uniforms. The man on the left says, 'I may vomit, and the man on the right says, 'I may vomit with you.'
The Tom Wambsgans and
Mark Darcy mashup
we've been waiting for.
Out and About
Apart from the writing group, it was a stay-at-home week. Two semis and a final will do that to a woman. I did sneak in a cinema visit on Friday to watch Operation Mincemeat, but other than that, not so much.

A woman's hand, with each nail painted in a royal blue varnish, with yellow stars on top.
These nails sparked a right 
interesting convo with
the postman.
I realise some people might still be flummoxed about why I love the ESC so much. That's OK. Liverpool Men's footy team played in a big match on Saturday that I'd heard some people talk about in the build up. Fair play to them, but if no one else had raised the issue, it'd have passed me by. As I'm typing this, the postman's just knocked with my latest eBay purchase and complimented my nails. I told him they were for Eurovision and he looked baffled. As I said to him just moments ago, 'You've got your planes and I've got Eurovision.' (It helps if you know he really likes planes.) And he accepted it, and then asked me loads of questions about Saturday. We all have a thing that brings us joy - sport, planes, international singing competitions... and in about eight months, the selection process for my thing will start all over again. Another cyclical process! It really is the circle of life. Congratulations once again to the winning Kalush Orchestra, and to Sam Ryder for his long-awaited second place. Bring on 2023!

Have a lovely week, folks.

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