Monday 30 May 2022

I Don't Mean To Be The Voice of Dissent, But...

The Queen gets up from her seat to greet someone. The caption reads, 'Good evening, Mr. Bond.'
Not sure when
she met me Dad.
My penultimate term of primary teaching was Spring 2011, as was the wedding of Kate 'n' Wills - aka the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. When royal weddings and births are on the news, I find myself indifferent. (As I am to most things other people do, if they're not impinging on my life or ruining things for a minority - at least that's the aim.) The trouble was, as a teacher I was expected to be 'excited' and 'patriotic' and 'happy to dress up in red, white, and blue for a celebratory whole school picnic' which is where I found my limit. Now, I'm just relieved I don't have to teach a one sided view of the monarchy. I can respectfully opt out of this weekend's shenanigans, and use the time in my own way. And as I work for myself and set my own hours, it'll be business as usual. However, if you're a Union Jack waving, royal-family loving, pomp and circumstance sort of person who's thrilled to bits that the Queen has reached such a momentous landmark, then all power to you. Enjoy your street parties, your celebrations, and your bunting. Fair play and crack on with your fun.

Diana Rigg is sitting on a chair.
FYI, my fave character
in Leeza McAuliffe
is Grandma, who I've
always pictured as a 
later-years Diana
Rigg. So here she is!
Writing News
My niece has finished Leeza McAuliffe Has Something To Say. And because she's my niece, I got to talk to her at length about what she thought. This is literally the best feeling. I could talk about my characters all day long as if they're real, yet in order to maintain an impression of sanity and non-self-absorbedness, I stop myself. Not this time though! I was given detailed feedback and a valid critique. It was ace.

A man in playing the piano in a bar and singing enthusiastically, whilst a crowd stands around and cheers him on.
Miles Teller was great,
even though his job was to
cosplay Anthony Edwards.
So I saw Top Gun: Mavericka sequel to a film I loved when I was twelve. I could write a dissertation on all the thoughts I had during the two hour, eleven minute Tom Cruise-athon, but I'll keep it brief. All I'll say is they sure spent a lot of money on what's essentially a TV movie. Maybe skip a fighter jet scene or two and spend some cash on the script? Develop the characters beyond two-dimensional cardboard cutouts? Explain to TC that he needn't be in every single scene? EVERY. SINGLE. SCENE*. Oooooh! Get me being snarky! I know, I know. I usually keep it positive on here. OK, I'll turn it around. It's certainly a seat-of-your pants cinematic experience. Miles Teller, as Goose's son, was fantastic. Every second reminded me of the (way better) original, and the music (mostly identical to the 1986 film) was a lovely nostalgic nod. But yeah. I still have a lot of thoughts. Don't worry. You'll only hear them if you urge me to expand on them at length.

A home made pizza, with cheese, rocket, tomato, and black olive topping.
Stone-baked, sort of!
Food and Drink
I had a big revelation on Monday: In order to replicate stone baked pizza, all you need to do is whack your raw dough and topping in the oven and frig it up as high as it'll go. It's my one life hack for you. This bad boy pictured, was baked on 245℃ for eight minutes and was delish. Note for next time: Use more passata! (Topping was parmesan, black olives, sun-dried tomatoes, goats cheese and rocket.)

Out and About
It's been a quiet one since last week's London jaunt. I've done my usual weekly things - brunch, Costa, cinema - but nothing on top. Oh, except to baby-sit my niece and neph for a day and a night, which involved a service station pick-up, a Burger King tea, a film night (thank you Enchanted for entertaining four people between 6 and 49) a trip to the park, and a bistro lunch. I will be recovering from lack of sleep and energy for the foreseeable. 

Reading this back, I feel I need to repeat, I'm a live and let live sort (although the caveat about not impinging on others' rights, remains. I'm not letting this sort of thing 'live', for example.) It's a free country and we all have our 'things'. Don't listen to me and my opinions, I can only speak for myself. So if you're madly flag-waving, loving the testosterone-fuelled jet film, or chilling out with whatever does it for you...

Have a lovely week, folks.

*I have not fact-checked this. But it certainly feels like it's true.

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