Monday 23 August 2021

Change is Coming... Probably...

Achtung, bitte! I have a small announcement. Well, it's not really an announcement, more an interesting thing that's occurred to me that I thought I'd pass on. In hindsight, my opening German command might imply it's a much bigger deal it is. Apologies. Blame my daily Duolingo. Es tut mir leid! But let's crack on. 

Here's what I wanted to share. In a few weeks' time, this blog will hit a milestone. I'm sure I'll alert you nearer the day, but can you believe it? We're coming up to five years of Ramblings. FIVE YEARS OF BLOG. I know! Is it even possible? Can it be? Hurrah and huzzah for us all.

Oh look, it's me.
With a loo roll in my fringe.
It's been an interesting journey. Yes. I said journey. Apologies once again. But when I started Nicky Bond and Writer's Ramblings, I was in a very different place. First of all, I only did it because everyone said I should. Not you personally. I'm sure you never grabbed my arm or sent an impassioned text saying, 'Nicky, I implore you. You simply MUST start blogging.' No, it wasn't like I was filling a gap in the world. I'd say the trend for blogging was over once we hit the twenty-first century. I was definitely a Jenny-Come-Lately to the whole shebang.

Quite. But five years ago, with
regards to blogging, I wasn't
much more.
But back then you see, I was attempting to establish myself as a Proper Writer. That was hard to do without any books to my name. But all the websites and 'How To Be a Writer' posts, tended to agree. A blog was essential. It was something I had to get onboard with, even if the trend had passed. My first official post was fairly basic. Check it out. The innocence! The naivety! The extra space at the end of each sentence! The lack of GIFs! The solid text of it all! How the world and my hair colour has changed since then.

Over time, I learnt loads. I added widgets, copied and pasted code, and learnt that most GIF sites were American and included a distinct lack of Victoria Wood. Oh the GIFs I could have used if they knew who she was. Such a waste. Just imagine it. THREE BANGLES AND A POLO NECK, THANK YOU. Or, I'M NICOLA, AS I SAY. Or I'M LOOKING FOR MY FRIEND...KIMBERLEH.  But we're getting sidetracked. As the months passed, the ideas flowed. There was always something to say. About the hot weather, about Christmas, about the next book. All the 'How To
Blog Effectively' sites emphasised that this had to be a regular thing. Weekly was advised. So that's what I did. And that's what I've done. Every Monday morning for the past five years (apart from missing three weeks over the first Christmas) I've banged something out. Sometimes it's even been something I'm proud of. Goodness.

Ah, you're very kind. 
But I know the score.
But let's be honest. As marvellous as all that is, this blog's in danger of getting a bit samey. (What do you mean, 'in danger?' LOLZ). Yeah, I know. I'm ready to have a rejig. Especially now the five year anniversary is looming. I want to mix things up and have a refresh. It's time.

At the moment the jury's still out on what that will look like. I'm playing around with a few ideas. I still want to post weekly but maybe something that takes less effort. Perhaps I'll write a longer blogpost once a month and keep the weekly blog as a quick update. If you're a subscriber (thank you, btw!) you'll know how the monthly newsletter is briefer than the weekly blog. I like the idea of switching that around.

And then there's the other thing. I've been toying with sorting out a website. It's about time I had a proper home online. Something more profesh. I've used up the free trial periods of several website builders so I think I'm going to have to get actual help on this one. Look, I'm a digital immigrant, I never wanted to be tech-savvy, I remember having to plug in the video remote, etc etc. The thing is, watch this space. I've got (vague) plans and ev.

For now, let me give you your weekly reminder to pre-order the Book of the Year*. Treat yourself, or anyone you know that would love to read something fabulous. It doesn't matter whether the blog gets briefer, the newsletter gets beefed up, or a website gets thrown into the mix. The shameless plugging will always be there. Some things never change.

Have a lovely week, folks.

*Book of the Year, i.e the book that I've written this year. 

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