Monday 10 May 2021

Judge My Book By Its Cover, Part 2...

So where were we? Last week, I unburdened myself. I explained how I'd had the shock realisation that I'm not the graphic design genius I thought I was, after seeing a real graphic design genius create a cover for the next book. So let's get right down to it. Strike up the drums and get ready to scroll. 

Assembling the Wingpeople's front cover will look like this...

There! Isn't it a beauty! I haven't stopped looking at it for weeks! It grabbed my attention and I knew that if I were to see it displayed on a Waterstones table, I'd pick it up immediately.

I'll go on. A few other things stand out to me. Obviously the assembly kit is in reference to the assembling of the title. The title that refers to deliberately having to create a new support group when life has taken you away from the friends you used to know. The literal, visual impact of that is arresting. I think so at least. And then there's the fact this is a sequel. 

Carry the Beautiful's cover had a beigey-brown wallpaper effect to reflect Tilda's domestic life prior to this point. There wasn't much happening for her outside the four walls of her dull routine. This time, the cover is a deep pink. It shows that these days, life is being lived. Tilda, and the other characters are out and about, breaking away from the four walls of a routine existence. The pink indicates passion and excitement, adventure and risk. But the wallpaper effect is still there. Domesticity and safety prevail. The characters are not completely free just yet. Something's holding them back. The book explains what that is, and what measures they must take to break away from it.

Right now, I'm not planning a third in the series. But if I did, I'd make sure the story would break free of the wallpaper effect. It would have to show healing and completion. It's the logical next step. But like I say, it's not on my To Do list. There's nowhere near enough drama in healing and completion. Where's the fun in that?

Assembling the Wingpeople will be available in October 2021*, and I can't wait to share it with the world.

Have a lovely week, folks.

*As soon as it is ready to pre-order, you'll be the first to know.