Monday 19 December 2022

Tidings of Comfort and Joy and Stuff...

Christmas has arrived! Almost. This time next week, it'll be Boxing Day and all that entails. Lies-in and leftovers for many, an actual family Christmas dinner for me. It takes all sorts. Regardless of what next Monday brings, this Monday is the official Writer's Ramblings Christmas post. 

I do this every time. In a bid to avoid not blogging for one week of the year, I dig out an old photo of child-me at Christmas, I write some meaningful, festive sentiments, and I wish everyone a marvellous time. Well let's not fix what ain't broke. Strap in, hold tight, and let's go.

It's circa 1981. I'm wearing a dress and I have a bowl cut. Two things that Adult Me has successfully avoided, most days of her life. (Actually, my hair style from fourteen to the mid-twenties wasn't massively dissimilar. My face is weirdly over-exposed, there's a random balloon behind me, and I'm standing in front of the drinks cabinet part of the sideboard. Oh how I enjoyed being repulsed by the taste of bitter lemon that was kept with the gin at the time.

I only vaguely remember Christmas in this house. I had three of them before we moved and this'd be the last one. The thing is, I know I enjoyed them, but I can't remember the specifics. That's got to be a good thing, right? For anyone who's madly dashing about this week, trying to make everything perfect, it's worth remembering that it's vibes that last, not tiny details that you're currently stressing over. That's got to take the pressure off, surely? Christmasses tend to blur into each other. Especially if you're a kid. Smiles, laughter and jolly songs do a lot of heavy lifting. That's my theory, at least.

Meanwhile, for something lovely, give this a watch. From the Ghosts Christmas special a couple of years ago. Alison wants to sing carols but none of the family are into it. She sits at the piano alone, but then the ghosts join in! The ghosts that only she can see. It's lovely.  

Alternatively, and more secularly, here's Tim Minchin singing White Wine in the Sun. One of my long-time faves, this was recorded last year, and it's a right old emotional rollercoaster. Check it out and wallow in non-religious Christmas loveliness.

OK then. Let's cut to the chase. Next Sunday might not be a great day for you. If so, I hope it's bearable, over quickly, and normal service resumes ASAP. Also, you mightn't celebrate Christmas and are sick of hearing me bang on about it. If so, I hope you get some decent time off work, or at least enjoy good food and ramped up telly. Regardless of your stance, I'll be back next Monday, saying goodbye to 2022. Have a marvellous Sunday, but before that...

...have a lovely week, folks.

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