Monday 21 November 2022

Timing, Genre, and Home-made Peppers...

A gif of a large dumpster on fire.
It was all so easy in 2020. Not the year itself. That was a bin fire. From March through to December, the daily death toll and restrictions on normality were mentally exhausting. It was not a year that, should I be given the chance to revisit via the medium of time travel, I'd jump right back to. That honour would be reserved for 1985 (I loved Live Aid!) or 1995 (loads of snogging!) So, no, 2020 was not an easy year. But there was one aspect to that time that was shed-loads easier than now. I was clear on when to put up my Christmas decorations.

A close up of a decorated christmas tree, with lights and baubles. The whole thing glows and sparkles.
When 2020 hit, with all the grimness and disruption, I knew the appropriate time without a second's thought. The end of October. Bam. As soon as the clocks changed, I whacked on my Christmas lights.The twinkly glow gave me a regular lift any time I walked into the hall (FYI they're in the hall) or arrived back from a daily walk. It was, quite literally, a light in the darkness, and I didn't think twice about anyone else's thoughts on the matter. Now, I'm feeling the need for a regular lift all over again. Things are bleak out there. Every time I talk to anyone, the chat soon comes around to bills. Bills, heating, and rising prices. People are worried sick, and I'm not loving feeling as cold as I can handle before putting on the heating for half an hour. And I'm one of the lucky ones in that I can afford a daily half hour. I'm craving the twinkle of a fairy light more than ever, but it feels wrong. No one else in my neck of the woods has made the leap yet. People are being cautious. Whether it's down to the need to save leccy, or no one wanting to look flash in the face of a financial crisis, I'm not sure. But I'm primed. I'm ready. My lights are strung up and ready to go, as soon as it feels appropriate. And even though they'll use energy, I won't be putting any other lights on in the hall, so it should even out. I just wish I had the clarity that 2020 brought. They'd have been on for weeks by now, and I'd have felt marvellous for ages. Soon. Hopefully. Watch this space.

A photo of Lev AC Rosen's novel 'Lavender House.' It's taken on a train. The book is resting on my handbag, on a table.
Writing News
One of my favourite authors of recent times - Lev AC Rosen - had a new book out that I've just finished, Lavender House. I devoured it, like I do all his stuff, but it made me think. In the past, he's written Young Adult LGBTQIA+ fiction but this time, Lavender House is a Queer murder mystery. I like it when authors switch things up and try different genres. I imagine, if your writing style is established (to yourself, I mean, not in terms of mega-sales) then it's an easy enough switch to make. Writing a story from start to finish is hard regardless, but trying a new genre needn't be a challenge. At least that's what I'm telling myself. So far, I've written contemporary adult fiction, and pre-teen novels. Now, for the first time in ten years, I don't know what I'll be writing after the current thing's finished. Oh don't worry. I'll work it out at some point, but I quite like feeling the world's my oyster. Maybe I could try a mystery. A modern day Agatha Christie, with a feminist slant or a northern setting? Or how about a romance? Or thriller? Or sci fi or fantasy? Nah. Nothing quite hits me like a mystery. That's my favourite genre from all of the above. Maybe that's the way I'll go next. Something to think about, anyway.

A gif of Josh O'Connor in the role of Prince Charles, in series 4 of The Crown. He is a young man, dressed in military ceremonial dress, and walking with a serious expression on his face.
Series 4's Charles, 
played by Josh O'Connor.
Culture News
I've finished the latest series of The Crown. I don't know whether it's to do with being alive for the events of this one, or that the creative team has changed, but I found it dafter than usual. Nothing wrong with silly escapism, but I think we're all clued up that this is the soap-opera-ing of the royal family and not hard facts. I still enjoyed it, mind.

Food and Drink
The garden continues to throw out veg, willy nilly. This week there was a glut (about twenty, calm down, Nicky) of jalapeño peppers. As jalapeño poppers are my favourite party food ever, I had a bash at making them. Slit the pepper lengthways, scrape out the seeds, pack with Philadelphia, and coat in egg and breadcrumbs. I don't possess a deep fat fryer (can you imagine, I'd be frying EVERYTHING) so they were baked in the oven. Nowhere near as nice as the bought version, but perfectly acceptable and lovely with a beer.

Out and About
It's been a quiet one. A Wednesday brunch, a Thursday tea and a Friday drink notwithstanding, I've done nothing else. This time next week, I might have my Christmas lights on. I might have written some Christmas cards and I might have wrapped some presents. If I say it here, it might come true.

Have a lovely week, folks.

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