Monday 3 January 2022

First Blog of the Year...

HELLO 2022! You're here! You made it! Welcome! And if it's all the same with you, can we have some nice, calm, healthy, non-stressful days ahead, please? If it's not too much to ask, like. I don't want to be a nag but it would be great if you could ease us in gently. None of your lockdowns at a moment's notice, or political insurrections of last year, if you don't mind. Thanks awfully.

Writing News
In 2021 my third book came into the world. I love writing books. It's the best feeling when someone's read one and tells you they liked it. Even when someone says they've read it but then say nothing else. You know that means they weren't fussed, but it still feels amazing. Because all the hard work, doubt, and wondering whether you'll have anything to show for it in the end, was worth it when someone's read it and formed an opinion. So even though it takes ages and you lose your mind more than once and you repeatedly decide your writing's shit, it's part of a process that must be endured to reach the end result. And now, after a small mental break of a couple of months, it's time to start the process again. Next week, Leeza McAuliffe Part 2 is getting started. I say getting started, but my first job is to reread Part 1 to remind myself what went on. But yeah, that's the writing news for this week. I'm warming up and doing my stretches ready for the next writing adventure. Bring. It. On. 

I finished Nathalie Normann's Christmas Island on Christmas Eve - an enjoyable romp about a woman finding both love and Christmas baking on a Norwegian island. It provided pockets of escapism when the madness of the season got too full on. Since Christmas I read Chris Brookmyre's Fallen Angel which I absolutely loved. Much more dark and cynical, and befitting of my post-Christmas mood. I've been nowhere near the cinema since early December due to a lack of time and remaining COVID-free, but I've caught up on all my favourite post-Christmas films at home. Those are films I first saw at Christmas when I was younger, so have a festive association for me. I've boxed off Dirty Dancing, Shirley Valentine, and Crocodile Dundee. And don't worry, I've not neglected my Agatha Christies. Peter Ustinov's Poirot remains my favourite and I've managed to fit in all the films he made in the role. 

Food and Drink
Lolz. Let's cut the waffle and keep this simple. Cheese. Cheese and crackers. Cheese and bread. Cheese and olives. Cheese and chutney. Cheese and cheese. Cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese... need I go on? Good.

I captured my
mood, mid-shift.
Out and About
Annoyingly my post-Christmas slump of PJs and sofa-clinging was interrupted by a staff shortage in the business of which I'm a silent partner. Over the past week I've been much more audible, what with all my 'typing numbers into a computer' work I've had to do. I feel far too qualified in life for basic data entry, sitting on my arse, uploading info in such a monotonous way. But it turns out, I'm qualified for nothing! Unless you want some kids taught from a curriculum that was ditched once Gove got his hands on it, I'm next to useless. Hey ho, let's start the year with some positivity. We're here, we're braced for what the year will bring, we're going to be OK. Woohoo!

Have a lovely week, folks.

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