Monday 6 December 2021

Moral Dilemmas, Picky Teas, and Sparkly Eyeshadow...

The palette of Christmas
dreams. Four years old
 and only ever sees the
light of day in December.
Hello December! Whether the 1st saw you commemorating World AIDS Day, celebrating the start of Advent, or - like me - marking the beginning of a month that will involve daily sparkly eye shadow in a variety of 'jazzy'* colours, welcome to the final twelfth of the year. Yeah, we're doing fractions. Handle it.

One of four new desk
corners I now enjoy.
Writing News
The office space is done but I'm letting the creative juices for Book 4 stew a while longer. No official writing has begun but a new planning notebook has been ordered. Progress! The thing with not thinking about Assembling the Wingpeople during every waking moment, means other thoughts are free to bubble to the surface. Last week I found myself waiting for a train and hurriedly typing a snippet of dialogue that had popped into my head. It may well feature in the next novel or be cut in the subsequent edit. Either way, thank you to Widnes station. The juices are flowing! (Me and Paul Simon being twinnies, as per.)

Fuller before he
 was Roman.

My Christmas film schedule's started with a bang. As well as the Netflix stuff that fills the gaps, last Wednesday saw me go to the cinema to watch Home Alone. Hurrah! Always a thrill to see a much-loved and multi-viewed film on the big screen. I settled into my recliner and waited to be flooded with joy. Unfortunately a few seats along was a small child armed with approximately 56,854 questions about the plot. She asked one every ten seconds, like carefully timed water torture, leaving me with something of a moral dilemma. On the one hand, I'm watching a children's film on a Wednesday afternoon and should really live and let live. On the other hand, 'Shut TF up, Kid! You're spoiling my tingly nostalgia!'  Happily, by the time Kevin was abusing two grown men with household paraphernalia, she was laughing too hard to ask anything else. No more, 'Why's he doing that, Mum?', on a loop ad nauseam. I grew up and got over it. In hindsight, I had a lovely afternoon.

Food and Drink
Excitingly, there's a new shop down my way. My favourite genre of food is - as I'm sure I've mentioned before - Picky Bits. And my favourite type of shop is somewhere that stocks a range of cheeses, nice wines, and accompanying bits to put on a platter. So imagine how thrilled I was last week, when such a place opened a mile away from me. The Wine Club shop is somewhere I'll be popping by whenever I need lovely things in my life. So far I can attest that the smoked almonds, quince jelly, manchego, and gordal olives are an absolute treat. 

Out and About
A bumper week for being out and about. As family get-togethers consist mainly of noise, bustle, and fractious tears (and that's just me, ba-dum-tish!)  it's hard to bond with the smallest members. First off, I caught up with my youngest and most local nephew. He pottered about, seemingly happy (or perhaps simply unarsed) at my presence. So far, so good. Then on Thursday I drove to Warwick to see my Niece. We had one-on-one bants, despite her clearly pained response at my attempts to make her laugh. Then two days later I was in Wales for my Mum's birthday. It was standard Bonds en masse stuff; food, drink, and a Travel Lodge room. All the family gathering traditions. Classic.

So whether you're inspired to have a Picky Bits tea, apply sparkly make up, or rewatch Home Alone without a small child's running commentary in your ear...

...have a lovely week, folks.

*Stand down, folks. 'Jazzy' means anything other than beiges and browns. I'm not about to turn into Brenda from Watching.

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