We've just about made it to August, folks. Are we having fun? Is 2023 all we hoped it would be? Are we living our best lives? Surely only someone high or delusional would answer yes to all those questions. Let's be honest. 2023 is throwing us curve balls all over the place. Look at the weather. Places are either submerged by flooding or blazing with fire. Sometimes both. Nova Scotia, Canada, evacuated residents from wildfires in May, then from devastating floods last week. Meanwhile Rhodes burns and the weather in the UK is all over the place. There are no wildfires near me but plenty of random torrential rain. My driveway is prone to flooding in winter when the weather's bad. This summer, it's spending chunks of its time submerged.
If nothing else, this has shown me I need to up my game. It's tricky to know how to do that. I drive an electric car more times than not. I recycle. I don't eat meat. I've also never procreated, which some see as the biggest harm to the planet you can do. (This article gives more insight. Apparently, it's nuanced!) It's hard to find new ways of helping the climate. Not without completely changing my personality, that is, and I'm not sure I'm there yet. I guess the easiest way to help future generations who want to live on Earth, is the simplest. I should support Green policies when they crop up. I shouldn't stand in the way of people who are finding solutions or drawing attention to the problem. I should continue to admire Just Stop Oil for their dedicated non-violent protests. They cause mild inconvenience on a national stage, raising awareness and calling on the Government to act. (This vid from 19.18 explains their demand.) It's literally the very least I can do.
Writing News
I've reached the point in the WIP where I need help. I'm sick of reading it, knowing it off by heart, and switching the same few words around thinking it'll make a difference. It's time to bring in the big guns. First off, that means a professional editor. I'm so ready for someone to take charge. (I reached out a couple of days ago.) Then, when I've got her feedback and implemented her suggested changes, it'll be the next wave of people - the beta readers. That means my family members. At least the ones who are happy to give up their time to read the thing and share their honest thoughts with me. Finally, I've got a team (well one or two) of young people on the case as we speak. They're bringing their teenage experiences to bear on whether my almost-teenage protagonist rings true. We've reached the scary bit. The part where, what I've been happily amusing myself with for the past year, is scrutinised. It's fine. I've been here before. It's a necessary part of the process.
The Women's World Cup is on. Woohoooo! England's Lionesses have won their first two matches and play their third tomorrow. (12pm UK time.) What with the Aussie and New Zealand time differences, some of the games are in the middle of the night, but no matter. It's all so exciting. On top of that, I've started rewatching Schitt's Creek. It's marvellous to be back in the bosom of the Rose family once again. Moira continues to make me laugh out loud and I find David's unease around affection massively relatable. Besides that, I've begun watching the Before Trilogy again. A couple of weeks ago it was Before Sunrise - my favouritest film ever. On Saturday, I boxed off Before Sunset and I'll leave it a few more weeks before finishing with Before Midnight. There were gaps of nine years between the films in real life, so it's important not to rush.
I've finally perfected my satay sauce recipe. Yay me! Honestly, it's been a labour of love for ages but I can now share the wealth. Here's the ingredients list. All measurements are approximate.
- A big splodge of sriracha
- A couple of tablespoons of soy sauce
- A squirt of runny honey
- 2 heaped dessert spoons of powdered peanut butter*
- A splash of water to reach desired consistency.
As for the method? Well, just mix it all together and stir through whatever food you want. I did it with stirfry veggies and seasoned tofu in the week, but the world's your oyster.
Out and About
I had a lovely night in Albert Schloss at the bottom of Bold Street last week. Live music and a comprehensive German beer list. Fab stuff. This week, I've finally got my new bed (after ordering it in April) so I'm staying in. And I'm starting some healthier habits. Instead of falling asleep as I scroll on my phone, I'm reading at least one chapter a night of a paper book. Anything at all, as long as there's turny pages. The recent news is that Kenneth Branagh's new Poirot film will be based on Agatha Christie's Halloween Party, so I've started with that. Not so much Out and About, this week, more Under the Covers and Comfort Reading. Horses for courses, and all that jazz.
However you're spending the summer, I hope it's manageable. Not too hot, not too wet, and not too scary. Wherever you are, enjoy!
Have a lovely week, folks.
*If you don't mind the added fat content, use standard peanut butter by all means.